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World Freelancer Technological Development Conference 2022
Day 1 - Jan 12th 2023
人工智能 (Al)、大數據、機械人應用
Day 2 - Jan 13rd 2023
6G 通訊衛星科技面面觀
Day 3 - Jan 14th 2023
論壇目標 Objectives
- 探討如向利用科技提升質量和效率,提升自由工作者族群科技化的工作文化To gather Freelancers professionals to promote advanced technologies and innovations to enhance efficiency and productivity that may cultivate the I & T culture
- 邀請行業精英分享如何利用科技和發明,促進自由工作族群在產品研發、製作程序和服務提供之優化
To invite elite professionals to share the technology and innovation trends/insights that may enlighten Freelancer professionals/ companies in their product development, manufacturing and services provided - 構建一個共享平台,令自由工作者族群可以互相分享交流創意、科研心得,促成技術合作
To help build a Platform that is beneficial to the positive growth of the Freelancer Industry.
2022年11月開始From November onwards (3 Sharing sessions, 1-3 Days conference) to include:
對談會Sharing sessions:1st - 元宇宙Metaverse
2nd - 6G技術應用6G Technological Application
3rd - ESG應用Environmental, Social, Governance Application

2022年11月開始From November onwards (3 Sharing sessions, 1-3 Days conference) to include:
對談會Sharing sessions:1st - 元宇宙Metaverse
2nd - 6G技術應用6G Technological Application
3rd - ESG應用Environmental, Social, Governance Application
三天論壇主題包括 3-day Conference-Topics include:
1. 世界自由工作與科技發展趨勢 World Freelancers Working with Innovative Technologies
2. 人工智能(AI)、大數據、機械人應用 AI, Big Data, Intellectualization, Robotics Application
3. 元宇宙技術發展趨勢 Metaverse Technology Development Trend
4. 6G衛星通訊科技面面觀 6G, Satellite Communication Technology Overview
5. 個性化金融科技發展與網絡安全解構 Personal Fintech Development and Network Security
6. 環境、社會及管治(ESG) 科技應用ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) March Forward
查詢 Enquiries
(852) 9175 9872 (Jake Tang) / (852) 9409 1344 (Peter So)
網站Website: www.worldfa100.com
E-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
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